Myron D Brown
International financial services professional, business development aficionado, author and award-winning serial entrepreneur.

Myron began his academic study and business interest by completing his Bachelor of Commerce degree (BComm) at the University of Saskatchewan (’78) in Accounting and Finance before going on to study and qualify as a Chartered Accountant (CA – ’81) with Touche Ross & Co. (cum Deloitte & Touche).
He became a member of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, a Certified Management Accountant (CMA – ‘ 80) as a member of the Society of Management Accountants of Alberta, also qualifying as a Certified Management Consultant (CMC – ’87) as a member of the Alberta and Canadian Institute of Certified Management Consultants, while practicing with the Financial & Special Services team of Touche Ross Management Consultants.
He also substantially completed the requirements and course of study of business valuation to become a Chartered Business Valuator (CBV – ’83) as a member of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators.
After leaving Deloitte & Touche in 1990, Myron founded Probity Capital Corp. a specialty corporate finance consultancy (mergers & acquisition, divestitures, private equity and venture capital) as well as the provision of high net worth private client services, participating in and completing in excess of Cdn$1.7 billion of financings and financial transactions.
Following the 1988 Calgary Canadian Winter Olympics, working with Signature Sports Marketing (Cleveland, OH and Buffalo, NY) and the Executive Team of the Calgary Winter Olympics and the Official Olympic Sponsors (Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Xerox, Kodak, Bausch & Lomb, etc.), and movie-rights holders of the Bunion Derby, Walt Disney & Miramax Films, and Directors and organisers of the New York City Marathon and Nike, founded and financed the Ultra*America ’95, a 3,200 mile, 82 day, ultra-marathon, commercially sponsored, footrace from Huntington Beach, CA to New York City, NY.
In 1996 Myron, along with his fellow co-founders of Shuttlecraft International Ltd. (Saskatoon, SK), was awarded the Ernst & Young Canadian Entrepreneur of the Year Award (Prairie Region).
Underpinning the wealth creation financial services of Crescendo<TM, is the proprietary wealth creation methodology as described and published in the book, “The Rationalization of Intellectual Property” (RIP<TM).
2013 – 2014
In 2013-14, Myron along with Jack Laschever, CMO of Forbes Publishing (and later promoted to President of Forbes Conferencing), a global media company focusing on business, investing, technology, entrepreneurship, leadership and lifestyle conglomerate raised USD$250 million to acquire Forbes in a private, Forbes family divestiture.
Shortlisted as the preferred bidders in a hotly-contested bidding process, Brown and Laschever were unsuccessful in their bid; Forbes was sold to the Chinese (Integrated Whale Media Investments) for USD$425 million.
In late 2020, Myron was invited by Mr Roger Borycki, CEO, and is honoured to serve and act as co-founder of Presenteeism, LLC, principal shareholder, Executive Chairman and interim Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Myron will also lead the Presenteeism business development drive. Presenteeism, LLC is the world leader in bio-medical technology, AI-based, optical-neural- imaging to aid and support global employee productivity, wellbeing, performance and presenteeism.
Preliminary market validation has been virtually completed and the early feedback is very positive. Presenteeism LLC’s prospective, targeted pre-IPO valuation is USD$9.8 billion.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss new opportunities with Myron, please contact us directly and we will pass over your communications directly to him.
Myron would also be happy to discuss any matters related to the Crescendo < Group.