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Our Success Stories


Diversity of Membership

Majority of the cases which follow demonstrate and are skewed in favour of a super-earnings profile (7 to high 8-figure p.a.), which is representative of the typical Crescendo<TM member.

Notwithstanding, because RIP<TM was developed and intended to be applied as a general discipline and methodology of wealth creation, it is equally applicable across the entire earnings spectrum.

Art Collector & Trader

A. Ficionado is a 34 y/o Dutch art collector, trader & market-maker specializing in both high-value Masters and modern fine art.

Bestselling Author

Ms Plucky is a 45 y/o British, international best-selling romance novelist & speaker. Her annual income ranges at $0.5 – $10m.

Fortune 500 CMO

Miss Intrepid is a 47 y/a Fortune 500 Exec & freelance CMO. She sold her proprietary affinity network database for $127m.

IP Lawyer

Mr Alpha is a Canadian solicitor & global entrepreneur. He heads his national firm’s intellectual property practice.

Musician & Model

Miss GoGo is a 28 y/o Canadian international musician, model & pop star. Her annual income range is $5 – 15m.

Oncologist & Consultant

Dr Who developed an effective and proprietary chemotherapeutic application for common blood diseases.

Social Networking Engineer

Stu Dent developed & sold a niche social networking software application to Facebook for $36m.

Software Developer

Mr Ripley, a 24 year old graduate from MIT, wrote and developed a piece of software with an initial valuation of $500m.

Rule of Anonymity

These case studies have been amended to conceal the identity of their owners. Anonymity is one of our core Club rules. We rigorously investigate the quality and character of each prospective member, and their underlying sources of wealth. Hence ensuring that the privacy we cherish is entirely lawful.